How to Get from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central Station by Train

Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station by train is by far the quickest and easiest option if you are staying in city centre in Amsterdam. With frequent departures and a short 15-20 minute journey, this is the best option (unless you are taking a cab).

Things I WIshed I Knew Before Buying the Train Ticket

  • If you just buy at the station it will cost total of 5.9 Euros (4.9 Euros for the ticket and a 1 Euro Fee). So make sure to book it online. You can buy it here.
  • You don’t get your seats assigned, so make sure to stay next to the door (or if you have more than 3 people, Uber might be cheaper)
  • There are two type of trains – Intercity or Sprinter. Sprinter sounds faster but Intercity is the fastest one

Buying Tickets to Amsterdam Central Station by Train

First thing first.

You can see that if you buy it at the station, they charge extra 1 Euro fee. Don’t be lazy like me.

Ticket Machines

Look for the yellow NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) ticket machines around the Schiphol Plaza, right after you exit baggage claim.

The machines are easy to use, offer English instructions, and accept both cash and credit/debit cards.

A one-way ticket to Amsterdam Central Station costs around €5.90 for 2nd class, and a bit more for 1st class.

Buy It Online

If you buy it online it will € 4.90, so if you have the time and not lazy like me, it is cheaper. You can buy it here.

NS Service Desk

If you’d prefer personal assistance, you can also purchase your ticket at the NS service desk. Staff here speak English and can help with any questions or special requests.

This is the NS Service Desk at Central Station

NS App: If you want to skip the ticket machines, download the NS app to buy your ticket digitally. This app also provides real-time schedules and updates. But as a traveler, this seemed cumbersome, so I didn’t use it. I think there are easier ways to buy tickets than this.

Finding the Right Train

Trains from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central Station run frequently—every 10-15 minutes. The journey takes about 15-20 minutes.

Here’s how to find the right train:

Follow Signs for Trains

Once you’ve got your ticket, follow the signs that say “Trains” or “NS” in Schiphol Plaza. These will lead you down to the train platforms, which are located directly underneath the airport.

Check the Departure Boards

There are digital boards displaying all upcoming trains. Look for trains going to “Amsterdam Centraal.” Many of these trains will also be heading to other destinations like Utrecht, Lelystad, or Almere, but Amsterdam Centraal will always be listed as one of the stops.

Intercity or Sprinter

There are two types of trains—Intercity (IC) and Sprinter.

Intercity trains are faster, making fewer stops, while Sprinters stop at more stations along the way. Either will get you to Amsterdam Central, but the IC is usually quicker.

There is no seats assigned, so you have to just sit anywhere, so if it is busy you might have to stand to get to the airport (which is a bummer). 1st class was pretty empty when I looked and 2nd class was jammed packed.

Validate Your Ticket

Normally this is not a problem. I’m sure you know how to do it 🙂 Just tap and you are good to go

Arriving at Amsterdam Central Station

After a 15-20 minute ride, you’ll arrive at Amsterdam Central Station.

I am assuming, you read my other blog post about which public transporation to take from Amsterdam airport DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU ARE STAYING.

If did, from here you will most likely just need to walk a little bit to your accomodation. Or the station is centrally located and well-connected to the rest of Amsterdam via trams, buses, metros, and even ferries.

Once you step off the train, follow the signs for the station’s main exits, where you’ll find taxis, bike rentals, and other public transport options.

This is the underground metro area

Additional Tips for a Smooth Journey

  • Luggage Storage on Trains: Dutch trains are designed with travelers in mind. Overhead racks are available for small bags, while larger suitcases can be stored in dedicated luggage spaces near the doors. During busy times, keep your bags close to you.
  • Peak Travel Times: If you’re arriving in the morning (8-9 AM) or evening (5-6 PM), expect trains to be a bit more crowded due to commuters. You might want to allow for a few extra minutes to get settled during these times.
  • Night Trains: If you’re landing late or departing early, NS runs night trains between Schiphol and Amsterdam Central Station hourly. The night trains are less frequent, but still reliable.


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