Tate Modern VS. British Museum | I Only Got 1 Day, Which One Is Better?


There are many museums you can visit in London, but if you don’t want to spend too much time indoors, you should just go to one. There are two most popular museum (or Gallery) – Modern VS. British Museum, and I think you should just pick one. 

Characteristics between Tate Modern VS. British Museum

Tate Modern

Tate Modern is more of a contemporary gallery. They have pretty cool special exhibitions like Andy Warhol and more modern take on art. 

Because it was a Bankside Power Station turned into an art gallery, the building was very grand and unique compared to other galleries I have seen. 


Also, again, because it is converted most of the the whole gallery space is very open and calming. 

Tate Modern VS. British Museum


You can easily see the whole gallery in few hours or even an hour if you are more like me (skimming through everything lol). 

 I think the best part about Tate Modern is that it is close to other major attractions – Millennium Bridge, Borough Market, Shakespeare’s Globe, St. Paul’s Cathedral. 

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It is a kind of gallery where you can just stroll and casually look around, and then go out to South Bank or cross the famous Millennium Bridge.



British Museum 

British Museum is one of the largest museum in the world.

Most of the collections are from all over the world including Egypt, Greece, Korea and more (You name a country, there will be a room for that country). 

So there is no way you can see all the exhibition in one day.

You will have to choose what you want to see. Below is my list of most famous objects you have to see. 

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The collections are quite impressive, and you can basically experience the whole world in just one museum. 

But because of its popularity and being one of the biggest museum, normally you have to wait an hour to even get in. 

And even after that, you will have to scrambled through the crowd


Tate Modern VS. British Museum




My conclusion on Tate Modern VS. British Museum is that if you are into History and Art, you have to go to British Museum.

Looking at the mummies, Moai and Benin Bronzes were incredible. 

If you are more like me who skims through and rather want to enjoy walking around the city, Tate Modern is for you. 




Opening Time and Price

Both of them are free to enter. You will have to pay for certain exhibitions.


Normally British Museum Opening Times are from 10:00 – 17:30 (last entry : 15:30). Best way to avoid the crowd is to get there by 9:50 AM.  Please check the website cause of Covid things are changing everyday. 


There will still be a line, but not as bad. And you will not have to wait too long. 

Tate Modern VS. British Museum



Tate Modern opens from 10:00 – 18:00 (Fridays open till 22:00 except December). Please also check the website for accurate opening times. 

But unlike British Museum, it doesn’t get toooo crazy. 

It was pretty empty even in the afternoon

But afternoons can be also crazy so it is better to go early than later.

Or if you can go on Friday, you should go for the view at the bar.

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I also made a vlog comparing Tate Modern VS. British Museum. It is in Korean, but if anybody wants subtitle, I am more than happy to make one just for you 🙂