Cambridge One Day Trip (feat. Self Guided Walking Tour with My Google Map)

My friend was graduating Cambridge university, so I thought I could do Cambridge one day trip and see why she was raving about her little college town. 

She created a self guided walking tour for us which she uses to all her friends and has been revised to fit for a day trip. So I didn’t want this amazing itinerary to go to waste, so here it is guys! 

But first let’s see how to get there.


How Far Is It From London to Cambridge

From London Kings Cross Station to Cambridge is about 63 miles (102 km).  It will take about 40-50 minutes by train and 2.5 hours by car.

Cambridge is a walking town (Best to bike around which was so much fun) where you don’t really need a car.

So, I think it makes sense to go by train as it takes less time and don’t have to worry about parking.


London to Cambridge Train

You can go by car or bus, but I think the most effective and practical way to get to Cambridge from London is by train.



You can Google Map to get to Cambridge if you are going by car. Or get to Cambridge by bus from Victoria Station


Where Do You Get the Train?

To get to Cambridge from London, you have to go from King’s Cross station.

It is important to go to King’s Cross station and not Charing Cross station.

After you get to King’s Cross station, look for platform number on the board. 

cambridge one day trip



A side note. You can go to the famous Platfrom 9 and 3/4 from Harry Potter from King’s Cross station.

Where Do You Book the Train?

You have to take the Great Northern train at King’s Cross station.

If you watch my vlog, you will know how busy the train gets. So, you should be booking the ticket in advance.


If you book your seat, you will have to go standing.  When I went to Cambridge, it was so full some people had to go standing. 


I normally book it through Trainline just cause it is convenient, but you can gook it through Great Northern Tran website.


It is pretty straight forward, but make sure to book the off-peak or super-off-peak tickets. It only cost 18 pounds each way. 

cambridge one day trip
Look at the board and find “Cambridge” and the number of the platform

Some trains have stop-over and some are direct trains. Direct trains will only take less than 50 minutes, so make sure to take direct trains. To get to Cambridge, it goes every hour at xx:42 (i.e. 10:42 AM , 11:42AM). Returning to London it goes every hour at xx:44 (i.e. 6:44 PM, 7:44 PM)


Make sure to run when you see the platform number because everybody will run lol. 


I don’t think you really need a tour guide but if you do my friend recommended Cambridge Alumni Tour where the real Cambridge students show you the ins and outs of Cambridge. 

Alumni Tour is good but I would recommend a chauffeured punting tour where you can kill two birds with one stone (I will explain more later)

cambridge one day trip

Cambridge Walking Tour Map

This is how I did the Cambridge tour, and this is just one way of doing it. Hand Luggage Only wrote a great way to spend a day in Cambridge, and Country Town and House give you a guide for 48 hours. 

I was lucky that my friend was a student at Cambridge, so I didn’t have to pay.


But I want to let you know that some of the colleges, you have to pay 2 pounds to 4 pounds to get in.



This is my vlog on how I did the trip. You can check it out below. 



Rutland Cycling Cambridge Station

First when you get off the station, you will find the Rutland Cycling. Best way to rent a bike is through their website.

You can either get a regular bike or a electric one for an extra pound. 


It is best to rent a bike cause it will shorten your travel time and more fun. 

Go into shop, pick up your bike and head to Downing College. 


Downing College

It is free to enter Downing college which is great. You can find the bike racks behind the building. 

Downing College feels like you are somewhere in France. It is a great way to stop and take some pictures. 



Queen’s College Cambridge (Mathematical Bridge) 

You have to pay to get into the building. This is where the famous mathematical bridge is at.

You can also just see it from outside on Silver Street when you cross the bridge (if you don’t want to pay to get in). 



King’s College

King’s College is probably the most famous college in Cambridge.

It was where many movies have been shot like Theory of Everything.

You also have to pay to get in, but I think this one is worth the visit. 

Because it is just a Cambridge one day trip, I think you can skip several colleges to save time, but you should see King’s college. 

It also the most impressive building in Cambridge.

The size is absolutely stunning and the white exterior and the sky makes you feel like you are in one of the Harry Potter movie. 


Market Passage

Market Passage is where many food stalls and souviner shops are gathered. It is really busy and bustling with buskers. It is a great place to take a break. 

I had a huge hot dog which was great (You can all see it in my vlog). 


Trinity College

Unfortunately I couldn’t get into Trinity College because it was closed for graduation. But my friend says it is really pretty! 




Stop by at Fitzbillies to have lunch and their famous Chelsea buns.

I am not a dessert person and I fell in love with the Chelsea bun. It is like a cinnamon bun but has an interesting kick to it. 

Fitzbillies is famous because it was once burnt down and gone through bankruptcy, but people loved it so much they help the shop resurrect. 

I also had a grilled cheese and iced coffee.

I couldn’t find a space to sit, so I just brought it to the river and had my lunch there watching people punt. 


Go Punting

You probably seen the boats going back and forth in the river.

This is called punting, and you can just hop on a private one or group one. 

But I would recommend doing the the chauffeured punting tour. 

Because you opt into Cambridge one day trip, doing a punting tour will save you a lot of time and have some relaxing time to enjoy Cambridge rather than rush around. 


The guide will pass the major colleges and explain the history, and I thought it was much better than just looking at the colleges without any knowledges.  

It is like Venice but in Cambridge. 


Jesus College + Jesus Green

I think Jesus college was the most quaint and prettiest college in Cambridge.

The grass was perfectly cut and the building were so elegant and beautiful. 


It was also calm and quite unlike King’s College. 


Bibimbap House

So before going back home, I stopped by at Bibimbap house to have dinner. It is a Korean restaurant and as a Korean, I approve of this restaurant. 


But if you are not into Korean restaurant, you should read this blog where they give you 50 restaurants you can try in Cambridge

Now back to the cycle shop and return the bike and head back home.

I know this is a long post, but also will be a long day in Cambridge unless you stay over.