Is Efes Turkish Restaurant in London Not Worth the Visit?

I went to Efes Turkish restaurant in London and posted a Tiktok video. 



Show me your favourite Turkish restaurant in London!😘 ##londonrestuarants ##turkishkebab ##kebablover ##londonfoodspot

♬ Mission Impossible Theme (Movie Trailer Mix) – Dominik Hauser


Never in my wildest dream I would get almost 100K views. But it just shows how popular Turkish food is in London. 

But after visiting Efes, was it really good? Let’s check it out. 


Efes Turkish Restaurant

Efest Turkish restaurant has several locations in London. All of them are in East London, and you can check the locations here. 

I went to the one in Brick Lane. It was perfect for me after walking down all the way from the one end of Brick Lane to the other on Sunday. 


I made the best route to enjoy Shoreditch / Brick Lane on Sunday from Columbia Flower Market to Brick Lane.

Related Blog Post: Things to Do in Shoreditch on Sunday (Feat. My Favourite Route Map)

If you want to go to Efes, just switch Dishoom to Efes. And I can assure you will have the best Sunday.


Efes Menu

Efes Menu is very typical to any other famous Turkish restaurants in London. 

They have sharing platters to Turkish pizza and kanefe. If you want to check the menu you can click here. 



They are famous for their Turkish pizza, but I had their Kebab and Yoghurt Kebabs. 

I loved their Yoghurt Kebabs. It was wet and juicy. Especially the meat was so tender I was pleasantly surprised. 

Like all the other Turkish restaurant in London, they come with salad and cacik (Yoghurt and Cucumber). 



I wanted to have the sharing platter but they only start from 4 people’s portion, so I had to opt for an individual dish. 

If you are a party of 4 or more, I would highly recommend the sharing platter. 



If you still want to try sharing platter, I recommend Gokyuzu in Harringay. They have sharing platters starting from 2 people and it is very reasonable.  

gokyuzu turkish restaurant london
Sharing Platter at Gokyuzu


I also am doing a series called “Taste the World without Leaving London” vlogs and you can check out my Turkey episode if you get a change. It would be really helpful if you can support this small Youtube account!Â