There are few all you can eat sushi in Seoul, but most of them are really bad (i.e. Sushi O).
Ok… Sushi O is not horrible but is not the best. It always have a huge portion of rice and little sashimi. We are not going to a sushi restaurant to have rice. RIGHT?

So I found an amazing all you can eat omakase restaurant in Gangnam. And also I want to explain maybe all you can eat sushi in Seoul might not be the best choice.
I just want to quickly mention, there are other all you can eat sushi restaurants that are more like a sushi buffet.
Below is the map of the famous all you can eat sushi buffet if you are looking for something in your area.
All You Can Eat Omakase (Asung Ilsik) Price
- Mon – Fri (Lunch): 38,000 won
- Sat / Sun (Lunch) : 43,000 won
- Dinner All You Can Eat Sushi : 100,000 won
All you can eat sushi is 100,000 won and it doesn’t sound cheap.
But if you compare to the best omakase restaurant in Seoul that I went, Sushi Tatsu, it is a steal (Almost 1/3 of the price for unlimted sushi).
And for me the experience at Sushi Tatsu and Asung Ilsik weren’t that different.
Eu-sung Ilsik Vibe Check
The difference between Sushi Tatsu and Esung Ilsik was the chef seemed to be less connected with the customers. It is a much bigger restaurant and the chef seems busy serving many people.
Sushi Tatsu has less than 10 tables, and the chef is always serving on our eye level, so the experience is much better. But can you really complain for the price?
All You Can Eat Sushi In Seoul (Eu-Sung Ilsik) Menu
Instead of being a conveyor belt sushi, it is omakse. So you are served whatever fresh fish the restaurant has.
I personally didn’t do all you can eat sushi, instead I just did a set menu. Even the set menu comes with about 20 dishes, so that was way enough for me.
I want to say if you can eat more that 20 dishes all you can eat sushi might be worth the price.
The interesting dish was futomaki. I tried it at futomaki specialty restaurant (Daemag) not far from here. So, I had very high expectations but it didn’t match with Daemag.
If you want to try I highly recommend Daemag, and you can read the review here.
For me I am not a sweets person, so this was good enough for me.
How to Make a Reservation
For lunch, you don’t have to make a reservation, but for all you can eat sushi dinner, you will need a reservation.
They don’t have a reservation site, but you can call +82 2-3442-6686. They normally speak good English.
My Thoughts on Eu-sung Ilsik
Compared to the best omakase in Seoul, Sushi Tatsu, it was missing the vibe and the intimate service, but the food was not disappointing.
Also, if you have a bit more budget to spend, but not too much Eu-sung Ilsik is a good choice.