Why These 4 Sherlock Holmes Tours Can Kill Two Birds with One Stone

Sherlock Holmes was one of the most famous novel in England until Harry Potter came along. It was a global sensation that it was made into movies, tv shows and plays so many times. The author, Arthur Doyle, was also the highest paid writer until J.K. Rowling. 

If you are visiting London, and are a fan of Sherlock Holmes, you should do some of the Sherlock Holmes tour. Here are the top 4 things you can do in London related to Sherlock Holmes. 

Sherlock Holmes Free Tour by Foot


Are you on a strict budget but want to do Sherlock Holmes tour? You can check out Free Tours by Foot, and get all the locations that Sherlock Holmes movies and TV show was filmed. 

One of the most famous, Somerset House, where many movies have been filmes

This Sherlock Holmes tour also gives description on each locations. So, it won’t be just looking at building with no meaning. 


I think it’s a great way to sightsee in London on a budget. Rather than just going sightseeing, it is more fun when you have a perspective. And it happened to be about Sherlock Holmes.

Trafalga square is where BBC Sherlock Holmes was filmed. You can see my vlog for more info!

But the only problem is that you will have less behind the scene stories and the history behind the buildings. For me, doing it myself sometimes feels less interesting.

Another famous location for filming movies and tv shows including Sherlock Holmes

I went to Machu Picchu this year, and if I didn’t have a tour guide, I would have just thought that the rocks are just rocks (especially when they don’t have description on each rocks). 


It is always more fun when there is a guide who knows how to tell a story. That is why I think the walking tour is the best option. 


Sherlock Holmes Walking Tour


Sherlock Holmes walking tour in London is probably the best option if you are a fan of Sherlock.

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Not only you can hit (almost) all of the important attractions, but also get to hear the story in terms of Sherlock Holmes.

Walking around and just looking at building and listening to the back story is totally different. One building can have no meaning if you don’t know the story. But when you do hear the story behind the building, it suddenly becomes unique and interesting. 

Our guide, Phil, definitely knew how to tell a story. He was not only enthusiastic about Sherlock Holmes but delivered his knowledge and history about the city so well.

At the end, when Phil was talking about the author, Arthur Doyle, I almost felt like crying (I don’t know why lol). 

Sherlock Holmes Museum

Sherlock Holmes Museum is somewhat outdated, but can be great for hardcore Sherlock Holmes fans. 

221 Baker street is where Sherlock Holmes lives. But in reality, there was no 221 Baker st when the book came out. Because its popularity, they actually changed the whole street so they could have one. 

The museum itself is more like a collection of Sherlock Holmes related stuff. Because it is a fictional character, the collection doesn’t feel like it has any depth or value to it. But this is just my personal thought. 


But interestingly, you can actually write to Sherlock Holmes Museum. You will get a reply from Sherlock Holmes assistant at one point. Nowadays, the letter goes to MI6 first, because apparently there were real murder cases that people were writing for Sherlock to solve. 

Sherlock Holmes Escape Room

Escape room is almost a staple in every major cities now. It is a great way to spend time with your friends and family.

Escape room is basically is a game in which players solve puzzles using clues just like how Sherlock solves problems with clues. 

There is even a movie about escape room coming out soon. 

So naturally, Sherlock Holmes themed escape room opened recently. And what makes this escape room special is that the creators of the BBC TV show, Sherlock Holmes actually made it. 

It is well built compared to other escape room, and, again, naturally it is almost always fully booked. I tried to get a ticket but it was fully booked all this month. 


I hope you can do it and if you do, please let us know below comment on what you really thing. 


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