Miami Travel Tips (Feat. All The Scams of Miami Hotels and Restaurants)

You are excited to go to Miami, the heaven, but you end up getting scammed left and right from hotels and restaurants. And you are shook cause these hotels and restaurants are reputable. But if you know these Miami travel tips, you don’t have to worry. 

Resort Fee

When my friend first went to Miami, they stayed at the Delano for 2 weeks.

And when they got the bill, they realized they were charged almost another 1000 dollars. 

The hotel told them it was the resort fee. The problem was that they had no idea there were such thing as a resort fee. 

Of course they didn’t. Cause the resort fee is hidden like a cockroach! 


How they make you a reservation, it might say taxes and fees are not included.

But you know when you finalise how much you pay on taxes.

But there is no word on resort fee, cause that is when you pay when you check out. LET ME SHOW YOU. 

Miami Travel Tips

So most of the people were not be aware until they check out. This is just an example of a cheap hotel, but if you go to a high end hotels, they might charge you up to 60 dollars. 

Related Post: Top 10 Most Famous Hotels in Miami (feat. Each Has Different Purposes)

If you stay long enough, that resort fee is a no joke. 

So before you book your hotel, read the fine line! EVEN some AIRBNBS HAVE IT SO BECAREFUL.

There is a resort fee checker site, so you can check it yourself before booking if you don’t see it. 

Included Gratuity 

Because Miami has a lot of tourists outside of United States, people are not used to paying tips. 

So tips are usually included.


I am not sure about you, but for me, I don’t read too much of my receipt, and if you are not careful, you will tip twice on “Additional Tip”

Miami Travel Tips


I know! These things are so shady! This is a really important Miami Travel Tips. I didn’t know until I got scammed, and hopefully nobody who reads this will! 

Related Post: 6 Things to Do in Miami for Adults (No Tacky Tourist Activities)

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