Where Are The Best Turkish Restaurants in London? (Feat. Green Lanes)

If you are looking for the best Turkish restaurants in London, you have to go to Green Lanes, Harringay. Period. 

The area is called Little Istanbul and you can find almost everything Turkish in this town. And of course when there are many Turkish, you will always find the best Turkish food as well. 

But there are 100s of amazing Turkish restaurants and you are not sure which one to go. 


Before we get into it, this blog is a part of “Tasting the world without leaving London.” I want to see how many country’s food we can try in London. Today, I went to Turkey and you can check the video below. 

The Best Turkish Restaurants in London (Green Lanes, Harringay)

When I posted a Tiktok about the Turkish restaurant, many people gave me amazing recommendations. 



Show me your favourite Turkish restaurant in London!😘 ##londonrestuarants ##turkishkebab ##kebablover ##londonfoodspot

♬ Mission Impossible Theme (Movie Trailer Mix) – Dominik Hauser



Also, they say you can’t really choose one favourite restaurant as it is all good and everybody has their own favourite.

Among all those Turkish restaurants, I went to Gokyuzu on Green Lanes which had the most vote and comments. 

Related Post : Is Gokyuzu Turkish Restaurant London the Best or Not?



Some other restaurants on Green Lanes Harringay were:

Hala : Hala was the second most mentioned Turkish restaurant in Harringay. It is actually right next to Gokyuzu and menu is almost the same. 

Antepliler : Antepliler is famous for the cakes and dessert. Especially kanefe

Selale : Selale is another popular Turkish restaurant in Green Lanes. Only few mentioned on my Tiktok, but apparently it is one of the locals favourite. 


Many people on Tiktok mentioned these three and looking at the reviews it sounds like it is a great alternative. 

I am sure it is like me going to Korean restaurants.  Even though they are all good each restaurants all have different nuances. For example, if I want certain vibes or food I would choose different restaurants for each situation. 

If anybody know what restaurant is good for what food and situation please help us and share below comment! I will love you forever!! 🙂

Also, if you are planning to spend some time in Harringay, Time Out has a good list of things to do