[Unusual Things to Do in London #5] Going to the Movies Underground in Thames Tunnel

After I decided to stay in London for a month, I was looking for things to do. After a good research, I found this website called, Secret Adventure. This site offers unusual things to do in London from canoeing  through Tower Bridge, swimming in the Thames river. 

I grew up thinking I would be a director but I guess I didn’t make it to become one. But I still love movies and Secret Adventure was offering movie viewing under than Thames river. So I decided to try this unique experience. 

How Do You Watch Under Thames River?

There is a famous tunnel that goes through the Thames river built by Brunel 200 years ago. It was one of the biggest invention back in the days, and this tunnel is still being used to this day. When they built the tunnel, they also built an entrance for people to come below and view the tunnel. They also occasionally through parties at the entrance. The entrance is still being used for many purposes from gallery to parties. Today I will be watching a movie! 

Where Is It?

To get to the famous Brunel’s Thames tunnel, you have to go to Canada Water and walk for five minutes. I was surprised how much of a quaint town it was. Every bar and stores were named after Burnel. I found a really cute pub right next to the Brunel tunnel, and I will explain more later. 

What Is It Like to Watch a Movie Below Thames River

I arrived 30 minutes earlier as I heard they have a cute fire place with marsh mellows. I even tried to cook my marsh mellow and it was pretty good 🙂

They even sold some cocktails, but it wasn’t as strong as I hoped lol. 

After 7:30PM, we finally entered the famous entrance for the tunnel. It was amazing to see the 200 year old entrance for the tunnel. Unfortunately you could not see the the train passage as it was still being used, and for safety purpose. It has been renovated recently, but they still kept the facade of the tunnel. 

There were three movies but the one that caught my soul and heart was North of the Sun. You can watch the trailer below, but it really made me want to travel more and live freely. You can also watch the movie here if you want to be inspired

You watch the movie with the headphones on. It was like the silent disco but watching movies. For some reason, it felt more unique. I am not sure if the movie was that good or watching in a historic building made it more interesting. But it sure was a unique experience. 

The guy was explaining how to use the headphones for the movie
me looking bloated 🙁 with the headphones
Everybody watching movie with the headphones

After the movie I went out and people were still gathered around the fireplace and chatting with some cocktails. I felt weird doing this in London. I felt privileged to do this and enjoy London in another way. It was beautiful during the day, but more beautiful at night. 

Now, let’s talk about the neighborhood. I wasn’t expecting anything in this neighborhood, but I was surprised how nice it was. Especially the pub called Mayflower Pub. It was next to the Thames river, so you could drink looking over the river. How many places can you do in London? Adventure out to other places in London, and you will be surprised.