Let me warn you first. UK hotel quarantine is a lot harder than quarantining at your own home.

When I had to stay at a mandatory hotel quarantine in Korea, I wasn’t prepared. I thought it was going to be easy breazy. But it wasn’t.
And there were many things I wished I knew before going in. So, Let me help you don’t make the mistake I made before going into UK hotel quarantine on 15 feb.
When Will UK Hotel Quarantine start?
UK hotel quarantine will start on Feburary 15th, 2021 for UK national and residents returning from “33 red list” countries (for 10 days)
Currently the 33 red list countries are:
Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Eswatini, French Guiana, Guyana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
In my opinion, they should have placed all countries to do UK hotel quarantine instead of just 33 red list countries.
Let’s talk about how U.K. will do it and why it might not work the best with an example how Korea did it.
How Will It Work?
The passengers from 33 red list countries will be escorted from the airport directly into the UK hotel quarantine.
They will not be allowed to go out. According to BBC, Food will be provided 3 times by the quarantine facility. Luckily, you will also be able to order food once a day outside the hotel (with your own expense of course).
Government website doesn’t explain much but U.K. is working closely with Australia and New Zealand on quarantining. So you can get some idea on their website. It is pretty self explanatory.
It sounds pretty simple but when you are on a long haul and exhausted, being dragged around is not an easy task (especially with your mask one).
Then how is it when you actually have quarantine at a government controlled hotel?
How Did It Work in Korea?
Going to Korean hotel quarantine will be very similar to the process of U.K. Quarantine.
When I first arrived in Korea, I had to sign ton of papers which were that I will be quarantining at a government managed hotel and that I will be paying the fee. Unless I will be kicked out.
In my opinion, this will be very similar when you enter U.K. from any 33 red list countries.
In Korea, we had to download an app that we had to diagnose ourselves everyday for 14 days.
I am not sure if this will be applied in U.K. (On the government webpage, it says to monitor yourself)
Once you go through the immigration, the military officials take you to a bus then to the hotel. I felt this was the hardest part for some reason.
Normally, when you get off the plane you feel some relief.
But when you have to follow an official to a bus then to the hotel with a mask on with other people, it was just exhausting.
Once you arrive at the hotel, you will pay the fees then to the room.
I am sure the hotels in U.K. will be much nicer, but unluckily I was sent to one of the worst hostels in Korea.
Some of my friends went to Grand Hayatt Hotel. I guess I was just unlucky.
At least I did have a bath / bidet.
Also, now I think about it, I don’t think many people had a room with a balcony overlooking the lake. I did.
You can watch my youtube vlog on how I spent my days during hotel quarantine.
Hotel Quarantine Essentials
When I arrived I just thought I would be staying at a nice hotel, but that wasn’t the case.
There was nothing in the room except for T.V. and a bed. I didn’t pack any shampoos or towels, so I was worried.
But luckily they gave everything you needed for two weeks. Even a nail clipper lol.
Not that I needed any masks or sanitiser cause I was just in the room, the government gave some which was useful when I got out of quarantine.
You also have to check your temperature everyday and input on the APP. But I don’t think this would be necessary at U.K. hotel quarantine.
Hotel Quarantine Meals
Korean hotel quarantine had three meals a day with snacks and drinks. It wasn’t like a five star hotel meal, but simple meal.
Discharge from Quarantine
After 14 days, the APP informs you that we can delete the App.
Also you get a letter what time you can leave.
This was my 14 day of Korean hotel quarantine. It was tough but now looking back I think it was one of the highlight of my 2020.
But there were few things I wished I knew before going into hotel quarantine and here are some of the questions that I got.
What You Need to Prepare When Entering the Hotel Quarantine
Quaranting from home where there is no security and less restrictions is different than when you have to stay in a tiny hotel room with strict security.
These were Korean hotel quarantine rules, so U.K. might be different.
- Did you have to pay for the room? Yes, before I got my key to the room, I had to pay the fee. Unless I would have been fined.
- Did you have to pay for the bus? No it was free.
- Can you choose hotels? No, I couldn’t. But I hear in U.K. you will be able to choose before arriving in U.K.
- Can I smoke? No.
- 인터넷은 되나요? It worked fine.
- How did you do laundry? I handwashed my clothe. They might provide soap, but it wouldn’t be bad to bring your own.
- Did they give you towels? I had five towels, but you should bring yours as well.
- What kind of food do you get? The meals were served accordingly with your dietary requirements.
- Can you go out to get some air during hotel quarantine? No. The only thing I was able to to was open the door slightly to get food and throw trash out.