[Unusual Things to Do in London #2] Morning Gloryville Rave!

When you are in London, we go to Big Ben, Tate Museum and the London Bridge. But the best part is the nightlife where you can mingle and mingle with the locals. But sometimes it can be daunting when you have a tight schedule the next day. You have a dilemma of skipping all the tours and drink or be responsible and have an early night. But here is the solution! You can go to the club in the morning, and start your day fresh and cute. 

How can you do that? Morning Gloryville is a club that opens once a month in the morning. It opens from 7Am – 11AM. It is probably the only club that serves coffee and smoothie. They also have a small section for yoga and meditation. And you won’t believe when you see a masseur waiting for you to get a back massage. 

You might think this is kind of nerdy and sounds boring. But NOPE! This is like legit rave. The songs are like super cool house musics. Not like Chainsmoker house music but more like Fat Boy Slim or Yolanda Be Cool Kind of house music. You can see the video below of my experience at Morning Gloryville and see how people are having fun (Watch it from 01:21 if you want to skip me talking). 


This could be a great way to start your morning. You will be all boosted up with energy and go to all the tourist attractions instead of being tired and hungover. Are you in your early stage of planning your trip to London? We can help you create an itinerary that is only unique for you. You can click below to send us a message or click on the FB Messenger button on the right below. 

Out with overpriced cocktails and never ending hailing to get a 4am taxi ride. And most of all, no man or woman on your side? How depressing is that? Why don’t you try something different in with early morning yoga and some house music and dancing. Either way, if you are in London when Morning Gloryville is happening, please go! 


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