[Unusual Things to Do in London #3] Go to Immersive Theater While Having Lunch

This is my third blog post about unusual things to do in London. Theatre is big all around the world, but when I think of Theater, I think of London. It is probably I watched Shakespeare’s Romeo and  Juliet many times. It feels like England has been a frontier in Theater, and in a recent few years, Immersive theater became really popular in England. 

Immersive Teater Emerged in London into the Mainstream


Immersive theater is not just about watch the actors play but actually participating in the play. After a few success immersive play in England, they moved to New York with “Sleep No More.” So I had to go check it out. I fell in love with the concept immediately, and thought I had to do one in London. 

Source: Flickr You Should Try Sleep No More If you are in New York

After some research, I found out about Funicular Productions’ Murder Express. Murder Express’ story is based on Agatha Christie’s Murder on Orient Express. We will be a part of the storyline. 

Murder Express Is a New Way to Enjoy Play

We will be in one of the train section. More specifically the dining section eating Lunch/Dinner. And then the murder happens while we eat (Nothing Gruesome like Sleep No More). 

Dining Section of the Train

It starts with us at Pedley Street Station. We can have drinks there waiting to be boarded. At the time of the boarding, the conductor will be announcing us to hop on the train. The story starts in the dining section of the train. And then… I will not reveal the story as it will make the whole experience boring. 

Great part about this immersive theater is that you get to actually have really good food. I honestly didn’t expect any nice food, but I was quite surprised how nice it was. 

The actors also interact with us asking questions. I also played a part of coming to London by boat from New York (The actor asked how rough it was on the boat lol).

You Might Be Able to Become a Character in the Play

There are few story lines where the audience actually participate in the play. My friend Janet told me that she doesn’t like participating in these things as she gets shy. But for sure enough she gets picked to become a doctor. 

To Make the train look like its moving, they put nature video on the screen. It kind of makes you confusing as it is not actually moving. I felt a little dizzy later on, but not like sick-dizzy but more like confused-dizzy. 

The actors were phenomenal and because they were so close to us, you can feel the energy and the dynamics between the actors. It doesn’t feel cheap or tacky like the shows we see in Disney Land. 

This is something that you can only do in few cities around the world, and one is in London. If you are visiting London, this could be a great way to spend your few hours in London. We also help you create a unique itinerary. If you are looking for something to do than just going to Big Ben or Tate Museum, please click below to talk to us on What’s App or FB Messenger (Below Right). You can also fill out a short Questionnaire on our Plan Your Trip Page. 

We also wrote about Finding Seven Noses in Soho and Going to a Club in the Morning which is a great way to spend your day in London.