Drinking and Eating in the Pitch Black Darkness [Things to Do in London #7]

According to 2017 Global Destination Cities Index, London is the second most visited city in the world.

Not only because of their amazing and rich history and architecture, but also their extremely fun drinking culture. So, among all those drinking pubs, bars and clubs, I want to talk about Pitch Black.

Drinking culture in England was kind of shocking to me. I would see people with suit casually drinking beer at 11 in the morning. I don’t think I see that very common in America. 

Drinking Culture in London Is on a New Level!


After work, the pubs overflow all the way to the street and at night you see people peeing everywhere (Maybe cause I am staying in Soho after all). Probably because of too much beer. 

Fogg’s Residence

It is always a great fun to mingle with the locals in London. Recently I went to Fogg’s Residence which I felt like I was in 80 days around the world type of home.

Fogg’s Residence an Amazing Cocktail Bar with 80 Days Around the World Style Theme


It was so much fun hanging at the Fogg’s Residence, and I thought there would be many more fun things to do in London at night than going to a pub or a bar. I was always curious about the restaurant that was in the movie About Time

I did some research and found a bar called Pitch Black. Pitch Black is a little bit like wine tasting. You will be trying four different cocktails and guess what kind of cocktail it is. 

Pitch Black Is Just Like Wine Tasting but with Cocktails in the Dark

It is even hard to hold on to the glasses because you cannot really see anything. One of the most interesting part of this whole experience was that you really don’t know anything about alcohols. 

Nobody really got it right once. It was kind of hard with not seeing the ingredients inside. I know this is a weird concept, but if you like drinking, this would be a great thing to do in London. 

Pitch Black happened at the back side of the famous London Cocktail Club. London Cocktail Club is a famous chain where the bartenders sing really loud and do some drum rolls. 

I wanted to do this after watching About Time. But while I was drinking the cocktails, one of the girl at the table told me that Pitch Black is not the one in About Time. It was Dans Le Noir

Dans Le Noir Is the Original in Terms of Eat and Drinking in the Dark 

Dans Le Noir is actually a restaurant. You will be eating in a pitch black restaurant. And you will be served by blind people. 


The concept of Dans Le Noir is to understand what it’s like to live as a blind. Also, portion of the profit goes to charity. I thought it was an amazing idea not only to bring awareness but also help. 

If you get a chance to try it, please let us know below comment. I would love to know!


If you are looking for things to do in London you can watch a movie under Thames tunnel, look for seven nose sculptures in Soho, go to a club in the morning and more. 

If you are looking for unusual things to do in London, you should subscribe to my blog. I am currently staying in London for two month and doing unusual things you can only do in London. 

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