70 Korean Food in Korea You Have to Try & Best Restaurants to eat

Korea is truly a foodie country, and it is our best kept “unintentional” secret. With the fame of Kimchi and Bibimbap, people are slowly recognizing the food culture we have in Korea.

We still have some of the “undiscovered” Korean food by the foreigners, and I will show you on my blog post what type of food you can try in while visiting Korea.

This is an extensive list of Korean food, and what kind of food you should eat in Korea. I will also give best restaurants on each dish in Seoul, Korea.


Because it is more than 70 different Korean food, we created a short version first. And if you like the sound of it, click on the hyperlink and you will get more details, pictures and best restaurants of that Korean food below.

It is still an ongoing post, so please bookmark the page. I am updating everyday! 

List of Korea food is separated with: 

  • Barbecue (구이)
  • Pan-fried Food (볶음)
  • Braised Food (찜)
  • Rice (밥)
  • Streetfood (분식)
  • Soup (국/탕/찌게)
  • Noodles (국수)
  • Late Night Food (야식)

These are the list of 72 Korean Food in Korea: 

Barbecue (구이)

  • Galbi (갈비) – Galbi is beef rib. The cut is different than American ribs. Also, it is the most popular and well known among foreigners.
  • Bulgogi (불고기) – Bulgogi is a thin, marinated slices of beef or pork grilled on a barbecue.
  • Gopchang (곱창) – Gopchang is an intestine which can be from either beef or pork. It may sound gross, but with proper care, it is one of the most addicting Korean food.
  • Chadol bagi (차돌박이): Chadolbagi is a thin sliced brisket. It is so thinly sliced it cooks in ten seconds. It is also one of my favorite barbecue meat in Korea. 
  • Kkot deungsim (꽃등심): Kkot Deungsim is a rib eye steak roll. The marble in the rib eye means kkot which means flower in English. It is the most expensive meat in Korea and more the marble more expensive it will be. 
  • Samgyeopsal (삼겹살): Samgyeopsal is a pork belly. It is a three layered pork with fat in the middle. It can also be five layer with pork skin which is full of collagen. 
  • Dak Galbi (닭갈비): Dak Galbi is a spicy chicken barbecue. Chicken is barbecued with vegetable, ramen and thick spicy sauce. At the end you can also make it into a fried rice with leftover food. 
  • Dak Gui (닭구이): Dak Gui is chicken barbecue with no sauce. It is usually cooked on a grill with charcoal. 
  • Clam Gui (조개구이): This is one of the popular gui in sea-side towns. This is also cooked on a grill. If you are curious how this is possible, click on the hyperlink. 
  • Eel Gui (장어구이): Eel Gui is for level 10 foodies who are used to eating exotic food. 

Pan-fried Food (볶음)

  • Nakji Bokkeum (낙지 볶음): If you are a Youtube watcher, you probably saw people eating live nakji (and grossed out). But it really tastes nice. It is just like octopus, but softer and less rigid. 
  • Jeyuk Bokkeum (제육 볶음): Spicy stir-fried pork is typically made with three layered park (삼겹살). It is marinated in a spicy chili pepper paste (고추장) and lots of garlic and ginger. 

Braised Food (찜)

  • JjimDak (찜닭): Korean braised chicken is one of the most popular Korean food among Japanese and Chinese travelers. It is known to be a popular comfort food with a taste of saltiness and sweetness. 
  • GalbiJjim (갈비찜): Korean braised short rib is similar to Jjimdak but made with beef galbi. It is known to be a dish to have during Thanks Giving (Like turkey in America).  
  • HaemulJjim (해물찜): Braised assorted seafood is mixed with bean sprouts and thick spicy sauce. Normally needs two – three people per dish, because it is massive. 
  • Agujjim (아귀찜): Braised monkfish is almost the same as Haemuljjim. Instead of assorted seafood, you only get boneless monkfish and beansprouts. Agujjim is popular among older Korean men. Don’t ask me why lol.
  • GyeranJjim (계란찜): Steamed egg usually comes as a side dish at bbq restaurants. It comes in a hot pot with plumped steamed egg. It is usually garnished with salt and scallion. 
  • Jangjorim (장조림):  This slowly cooked beef and eggs in soy sauce with garlic and sugar is my favorite side dish and Koreans call it the “rice thief,” cause you can eat unlimited rice with janjorim.

Rice (밥)

  • Bibimbap (비빔밥): Bibimbap is a mixed rice with vegetable and your choice of protein. It has become pretty popular globally. 
  • Congee (죽): Congee is an Asian version of Porridge. Growing up, you have this when you loose your appetite because it is easy to swallow. 
  • Omurice (오므라이스): Omurice is a fried rice wrapped around with egg (You can use ketchup for sauce). It was one of my favorite things to eat when I grew up. 
  • (hanjungsik) 한정식: The Hanjeongsik is a full-course meal with more than 10 side/ main dishes. It used to be for kings and very important people. There is a Michelin restaurant named after this.
  • Ganjang Gejang (간장게장): Raw crab marinated in soy sauce is probably a delicacy for foreigners, but a normal dish in Korea. You can also have it spicy which is my favorite: 
  • Steak Tartare (육회): Korean steak tartare, yukhoe is raw fillet steak which is slightly marinated with egg yolk on top. It is also paired with sliced pear which takes the rawness away.  

Streetfood (분식)

  • Dumpling (만두): This really doesn’t need much explanation, but it is a popular dish in Korea. You usually dip it in Ddukbokki sauce. 
  • Ddukbokki (떡복이): 
  • Ra bokki (라뽁이): 
  • 돈까스
  • 김밥
  • 순대
  • 라면
  • 오뎅

Soup (국/탕/찌게)

  • 삼계탕
  • 갈비탕
  • 육게장
  • 조개탕 / 홍합탕
  • 감자탕
  • 곰탕
  • 닭도리탕
  • 해물탕
  • 국밥
  • 해장국
  • 미역국
  • 북어국
  • 선지국
  • 만두국
  • 부대찌게
  • 김치찌게
  • 된장찌게
  • 비지찌게
  • 순두부찌게
  • 수제비

Noodles (국수)

  • 냉면
  • 잔치국수
  • 비빔국수
  • 칼국수
  • 잡채
  • 콩국수
  • 냉모밀
  • 짜장면
  • 짬뽕

Late Night Food (야식)

  • 족발
  • 보쌈
  • 해물파전
  • 치맥
  • 킹크랩
  • 계란말이
  • 닭강정
  • 젓갈

This is the detailed post and pictures with best restaurants in Korea

Galbi (갈비) 

Galbi (갈비) is a grilled rib in Korean. It is cut differently than the normal rib we see in American. There is one big bone and a stretch of meat hanging. It is known to be more expensive than other meat we eat. It is also pretty famous in America because of its excellent taste. But when you try it in Korea, for some reason, it tastes better.

Restaurant: Here are some of the list that are really famous in Korea, and that I went. It is a bit more expensive than your normal BBQ in Korea, but it is worth it. I also wrote some tips on how to get better meat. You can check our full blog about galbi and its restaurants here

Bulgogi (불고기)

Gopchang (곱창)

Gopchang is a shocking dish for foreigners. Why is it shocking? Cause it is made from a part of many different intestines: either can be cow of pig (Cow is a bit more expensive than pig’s). Gopchang BBQ is grilled and Gopchang joengol (hot pot) is made as a stew. The difference is the restaurants will probably use A grade intestine and take a lot of care to do BBQ unless it will smell. Gopchang jeongol (hot pot) is cooked with a lot of sauce and vegetable where you can have fried rice at the end. I wrote a long post about Gopchang BBQ and jeongol here

The Witch Gobchang Being Grilled

Where to Eat Korean Cuisine, Gopchange: Witch Gopchang in Itaewon

Chadol bagi (차돌박이)

Kkot deungsim (꽃등심)


Samgyeopsal literally means three layered pork belly. “Sam” means three in Korean. You can eat it many different ways, but the most popular way is the Barbeque. You or the waiter will cook it in front of you. And when it’s done you can dip in many condiments in front of you, and wrap it with vegetable. 

you can also put your pork belly and some side dishes in a cabbage and eat it

You can also have it marinated or non-marinated. Or you can also have it thick, thin, frozen, non-frozen, grilled, fried and more. There are many different ways to eat it, and that is the charm of samgyeopsal. 

Restaurant: Nari’s Place (Read here for more info) is one of the most traditional samgyeopsal restaurant in Itaewon. It is frozen pork belly, but if you want to try a modern trendy pork belly restaurant, please let us know below comment. We will also include some of the newer ones. 


Stir-fried chicken (Dakgalbi, 닭갈비) is another popular chicken cuisine in Korea. “Dak” means chicken and “Galbi” means rib. I am not sure why they put “rib” in the name, but dakgalbi is not a chicken rib. It is marinated with a gochujang-based sauce with sweet potatoes, cabbage, perilla leaves, scallions, tteok (rice cake), and other ingredients. They usually use the chicken thigh and legs.

Before it is cooked

Restaurant: Dak-E-Ro-Ga (Read here for more info) is one of my favorite restaurant in Korea. But there are also many famous restaurants in Hong Dae and it’s original restaurant in Chuncheon. You can also click here for more information. 




낙지 볶음

Nakji is a small long-armed octopus. It is a delicacy and will be a culture shock to foreigners. You can basically eat it raw, but also can eat it stir fried. My favorite is to eat is stir fried. I fell in love with nakji when I was 11. I still remember going to this restaurant called Chunghaejin near home and since then I am still going to the same restaurant. Chunghaejin has gone through many location changes and closing down and reopening. The rumor is that they recently had to close down cause of some investment gone wrong, but they reopened it in a new location. If you are going to try this exotic Korean cuisine, do it right and go to Chunghaejin. 

My favorite part is when they make it into fried rice with the left over.

Addy: 187 Gangdong-daero Gangdong-gu, Seoul

제육 볶음


Jjimdak is basically a whole chicken marinated in a special soy sauce. It is actually popular among Chinese (and me) as well, so it has grown exponentially. You can find it in almost every town, and there two popular chains. One is called Bongchu Jjimdak, and the other one is  Andong Jjimdak. Andong jjimdak, Myondong probably is the most popular one and click the link below for the location. But my personal favorite is Bongchu Jjimdak because they make fried rice after left over. 

Jjimdak with Soju
Best part about Bongchu Jjimdak is that they help you make it into fried rice with left over sauce (They don’t do it in Andong Jjimdak)

Addy: 2-22 Myeongdong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea 








Bibimbap has become a global phenomenon, and a great ambassador for Korea. It is fairly a simple dish. Bibimbap basically means “mixed rice.” And the ingredients can be anything but the most common one is with sautéed vegetable and gochujang which is a chili pepper paste. Personally my favorite is to use the steak tartare. I have wrote the best restaurant you can have (It is not in Seoul, but in Jeonju where it was originated)

Steak Tartar Bibimbap

Where to Eat Bibimbap: Jeonju Hangook Jib















Chicken Soup (Samgyetang, 삼계탕, also known as chicken soup) is a popular dish in the summer in Korea. It is a possum (a young chicken) stuffed with ginseng, rice, garlic and jujube. Remember on Thanks Giving day, we eat turkey and the stuffing? Instead of stuffing the turkey, Koreans stuff the possum.

tosockchon Samgyetang with Ginseng

Restaurant: Tosockchon (Read here for more info) is one of the most traditional samgyetang restaurant near Gyeongbokgung palace and Bukchon Hanok Village. Koreans call this restaurant the Top 3 Samgyetang. And there is a reason for it. It is perfect after a long walk aroung Gyeongbokgung Palace. We added detailed map to get there here from Gyeongbokgung Palace. 


Galbitang is a short rib soup. When I bring my American friends to a Korean restaurant, this is one of the popular dish they order. It is very earthy and comforting. You can either mix it with rice so you can be a bit more filling or just eat with out rice. I like it when they put glass noodle. You can find this soup in almost any Korean restaurant, but Hanilkwan is my favorite restaurant. Hanilkwan has been opened for more than 70 years, and they cherish fresh ingredients. I love it because the restaurant is clean and you know you will be getting the best quality.

galbitang at hanilkwan
galbitang at hanilkwan
Yookgaejang at Hanilkwan. If you want to try something spicy, this is pretty good as well.
Yookgaejang at Hanilkwan. If you want to try something spicy, this is pretty good as well.

Addy: 14 Apgujeong-ro 38-gil, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea



조개탕 / 홍합탕






Gookbap is a soup mixed with rice. There are many different types of gookbap from pork, beef and vegetable. But the most popular ones are from busan which is the pork Gookbap. I wrote about it in detail and you can check it out by clicking the link below. But if you are looking for one in Seoul, leave us a comment, and will let you know. 

Where to Eat the Best Gookbap in Busan: Busan Gookbap







Budae Jjigae (부대찌게 AKA Army Stew) is spicy stew with spam, sausage and any kind of meat that is American.

It has become a staple in Korean cuisine, but it has a kind of sad history behind it. During the Korean war, Koreans didn’t have abundant food. Near the American base, the soldiers would give left over spams and sausages to the poor Koreans. So they invented into something now called 부대찌게 (Army Stew aka. Budae Jjigae ).

Army stew with extra ramen

Army stew basically taste like a mild Kimchi Stew that has a lot of pork in it, because of the spam. If you are not into spam, or cheap canned sausage, it will not be your cup of tea.





Soondoobu is already pretty popular in cities like L.A and New York. It is a soup filled with soft tofu, and you can level your spiciness. In Korea, it was more like a quick and easy dish. It was never considered as the main entree. However, in 1996, a Korean immigrant opened a restaurant called BCD in L.A., focusing on one dish, soft tofu stew. It slowly got recognized among Koreans and Chinese and started sell like hot cakes in America. Now it is a global chain even opening few in Korea. I went to one in Shinsadong, and it was not a disappointment. 

Addy: 590-17 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Koreal



It is a cold noodle with either in a cold soup or spicy paste. People usually eat it after BBQ, but also there are restaurants that just specialize in Korean cold noodles. A lot of foreigners have hard time understanding the concept of cold noodle and a lot of my friends didn’t like it. But during summer it is refreshing. So if you are in Korea during summer, you should definitely try it. 

Where to Eat Korean Cold Noodle (Naengmyeon): WooRaeok










Jokbal is pork’s feet. It may sound gross to a lot of people but it is the perfect side dish when you drink soju. Also, it is known to be really good for you skin. It is one of the most down to earth beloved Korean cuisine in Korea. You can also do a jokbal food tour and you can read more about it below link.

eating jokbal at home

Where to Eat: Delivery to Home (Check out my other blog about Jokbal in detail)


BoSsam is a boiled pork belly. It is a different style than samgyupsal and a lot healthier. People who like their chicken white meat would love this. Often times, it comes with jokbal. 

Where to Eat Bossam:  Manjok Ohyang Jokbal



Along Psy’s Gangnam Style, probably Korean fried chicken is one of the most famous food in America or all over the globe. But in Korea, we love to eat with beer to balance out the greasiness. And the best way to eat it is to get it delivered. It comes so quick and hot, it is almost like eating at a restaurant. And the packaging is on fleek. 

Restaurants: Here are my top 10 fried chicken restaurants that delivery to your home, hotel or Airbnb. Please read this and let us know if you still need more details or questions. 






Sometimes, it can be a trip to just eat at certain restaurants from your hotel. So please let us know below comment where you are staying and what dish you want to try. We will help you find the restaurant near you that is the best. 

2 thoughts on “70 Korean Food in Korea You Have to Try & Best Restaurants to eat”

  1. Hi Mr Rollinjoint (:,

    I hope your well and safe. I have been following your adventures through tiktok and wanted to know how would I be able to meet you and eat with you. (I’m a weirdo or crazy lol) just a huge fan of good food. I like your content is so fun, energetic and delicious. Can’t wait to see what else you have to offer.

    Stay safe and stay healthy.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thank you for the kind words! That means a lot! and thank you for reading the post (I am hoping to update all of it soon).
      I am currently in London under lockdown. I am not sure where you live, but hopefully when all goes back to normal! we can meet!


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